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My two cents: Make your videos as longs as they need to be, as determined by your own teacher's judgement.
Thank you Mr McKee for being a superb teacher.
I hope we'll be able to purchase a DVD copy of the lessons at some point
Thanks for all the hard work you put into these great lessons
He finds that the comments are well thought out and well written.
We will continue to find the good balance. Thank you, Mia
If you've ever done video regularly for the web, like for youtube, you discover real quick via hit/view counts that it has it's own conventions, its own audience expectations. It is a genre of video.
One major expectation/convention is duration. Tutorials for web video software, like Camtasia Studio <<>> will confirm this. Experience will confirm this. Longer videos are watched by a smaller audience. It's just the nature of people viewing video on the web. The web is not the local theater. It is not a lecture hall.
However, where this perspective may fall apart is on a specialty or niche site such as this. The audience is different. It has an educational expectation that hungers for large helpings from one Robert McKee.
So, applying what I learned from Robert McKee's book, deciding between web-genre audience expectations and Storylogue audience expectations, we may have the dilemma of two irreconcilable goods. Add to this that Storylogue, as a business, would like to reach an ever expanding audience, well . . . .
It is wonderful to know that our writers are actually watching and paying attention.
I think: Look for a place where the viewer would be satisfied enough, have enough food for thought, then cut it.
So, we are still trying to find a good balance.
Thank you. Mia