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About Robert McKee

Robert McKee

Robert McKee is an accomplished writer, director, playwright and writing instructor. He is widely known for his popular Story Seminar. For over 25 years, Robert McKee's Story Seminar has been the world's ultimate writing and story class for over 60,000 screenwriters, novelists, playwrights, filmmakers, TV writers, industry executives, actors, producers and directors.


McKee is the author of STORY: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting, winner of the prestigious Moving Image Book Award. Many of today's top screenwriters, fiction writers, TV writers and journalists claim him as an inspiration and a source of their success. Rather than simply handling mechanical aspects of fiction technique such as plot or dialogue taken individually, McKee examines the narrative design of work and what makes the story compelling or not. This could work equally as well as an analysis of any other genre or form of narrative, whether in screenplay or any other form, and could any works that attempt to tell a story.




StoryLogue is Robert McKee's ongoing, online arena for writers.  McKee designed this website to enhance the skills of writers from all storytelling media - prose, television, theatre, film, journalism, documentary, graphic novel, advertising, and the like.  In addition, StoryLogue embraces all story genres, whether character driven or action driven, from Romance to War Story, from Adult Drama to Teen Farce, from traditional Broadway Musical to avant-garde post-Modern Novel.
StoryLogue provides four major services:
1. Lessons
2. Interviews
3. Q & A  
4. Networking Rooms  
LESSONS: Over the years, readers of McKee's bestseller, Story, along with the many thousands of attendees of his seminars, have asked for more of McKee's unique insights into the craft of writing and the art of storytelling.  With StoryLogue, McKee will supply that demand.  Drawing on insights he has gained over his past three decades of working consultations with many of the finest authors for page, stage or screen, McKee has developed advanced, in-depth studies on subjects such as Character Design, Framing Devices, Dialogue as Trialogue, and dozens more.  StoryLogue's web center interconnects McKee with hard-working writers from all story disciplines around the world, and then presents these original and advanced studies in a new, cutting-edge format.  Even for non-traditional media -- reality shows, computer-generated animation, online web programming and gaming -- these new lessons will be essential to creating emotionally satisfying works.
INTERVIEWS: In each interview Storylogue brings Robert McKee together with a renowned writer, publisher, director, editor, actor, producer, or agent from the worlds of print, performance and screen.  McKee and his guest engage in dynamic, on-location, face-to-face interviews that explore both sides of the artist's life -- creativity and career building.  McKee's astute questioning guides these highly successful professionals to open storehouses of knowledge and technique hidden deep within them. And as these exchanges demystify and clarify the methods and business of the story arts, Storylogue members gain first hand insight into exactly how artists do what they do, and how service professionals then take their works to the public.
Some of the questions in the interview segments include:
  • How can a writer overcome paralyzing fear or creative stagnation?
  • What are the productive daily writing habits of successful writers?
  • How does a writer break down a novel in order to adapt it to the screen or stage?
  • What makes a producer or publisher reject a submission?
  • How can writers control the performance of their work after selling it for production on stage or screen?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large talent agency versus a boutique agency?
  • What do literary agents look for in a submission?
  • What steps do agents take to maximize the writer's salability?
  • When creating television pilot, how many future episodes does the writer need to outline?
As Robert McKee travels his Story Seminars around the world, Storylogue records on-camera questions from his attendees.  McKee gathers the most thought-provoking of these writing problems, researches their most effective solutions, and answers them at length. These answers not only help the particular questioner, but they instruct and enlighten all other writers who have puzzled over similar dilemmas.  In addition to questions taped at McKee's Seminars, Storylogue will field questions sent through Facebook and email.
NETWORKING ROOMS: Storylogue houses virtual Writer's Rooms so that members can gather from around the world, connect, chat and collaborate in a professional arena. Storylogue's Writers' Rooms feature up-to-date Bulletin Boards and frequent Live Forums with Robert McKee. This service will begin to function within 30 days of our launch date as we will listen to member's input and ideas of Storylogue's members in shaping an determing the features and options that are most important to them.
1. Writers' Rooms: Members can join rooms that are dedicated by genre such as the Thriller, Comedy, or Children's Story Room, or by medium such as the  Novelist's room, Playwright's Room, or by location such as the London Writers' Room.  Finally, writers can tailor make their own rooms to combine these interests, such as the Atlanta Romance Writer's Room.  When contacts made in these rooms lead writers to critique each other's work or to collaborate on a project, members will be able to upload and exchange pages.  To protect members' words and ideas, Storylogue will provide links to the Writer's Guild of America site, and to the copyright service at the Library of Congress. Periodically, Mr. McKee will enter the room to add his notes and make suggestions to the works under discussion.
2. Bulletin Boards: Robert McKee often fields requests from producers, directors and agents seeking talented writers, or from writers searching for other writers for collaborations or adaptations. Storylogue sets up Bulletin Boards in its Writer's Rooms as an ideal platform to announce these inquiries, and for the writers to post samples of their writing for agents and producers to read for style and content. 
3. Live Forums: In the near future, Storylogue will present Robert McKee in Live Forums.  Members will be able to submit their stories to McKee who will then choose the best two or three to conduct real-time analyses, one-on-one, with the writers.  In addition, all members who participate in these events can join in on an interactive Q & A with McKee to discuss his analyses and critical thinking.  The method for selection of stories and their writers, along with the fee required for participation in these these special Live Forums, will be announced.

* "I have been 'taking lessons' at Storylogue. The first five minutes I watched the videos...I found myself taking notes. The sensation is that I am in the presence of the teacher, not just visiting a website. I think Storylogue is constructed as a fundamental working tool [for writers], and a very valuable source of consultation. It’s going to be a classic. Congratulations and my infinite gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy Storylogue." - C.J. (Argentina)
* "I would like to say what a brilliant idea Storylogue is! I am very excited to have Mr. McKee's wisdom on hand." - R.O. (New Haven)
* "The site looks great! I really like the Q&A section. The site looks very established, like it's been around for years." - M.A. (Los Angeles)
* "I'm loving the lessons so far!" - J.S. (Helsinki)
* "I'm glad he's made his teaching available on the internet. It's so convenient." - PDM (Middleton)
* "I've signed on for the year and am so looking forward to the interviews with agents and other industry types." - R.M. (Australia)

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