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Topic List

What is a Network?

A Storylogue Network is a group of writers who have joined together for the discussion and development of their work in a particular area, genre or industry. 


Any Storylogue member can join any network in this list.


All members within a network are free to add their own discussion topics to that network.


Network members will receive notification of new postings in regular emails.


You must join a network before you can post a topic within a network.


A discussion topic might be a question or it might be an example of your work.  A discussion topic can include attachments such as documents, photos or videos.  A script, an outline, anything you wish to discuss with your peers.


Other members will read your topic and most likely start a lively discussion.  When you comment in Storylogue please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other writers personally, and keep your language decent (unless you happen to be discussing indecent dialogue).


While Storylogue provides a collaborative and helpful community, we cannot take responsibility for safeguarding your intellectual property.  Members should read the user agreement and learn about protecting original ideas and work.

Network List

In order to contribute to Storylogue, you must have a membership.
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to active members only.