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My thought, my curiosity... So many references appear in Mr. McKee's first presentation. I just signed up yesterday. Some references I have seen or read, some I have not. As you, fellow Loguemates, watch these videos, how often do you turn to the sources that he cites? There are at least 9 different films and books cited in this first video. Tough to view/read these works before going on to the next video.
What do some of you do with this? A rhetorical question really. I will continue to read comments and see if I can get some hints. I realize with any discipline it is important to be well read, well viewed. One just hast to ramp up the reading and viewing I suppose.
How about a novel whose first part starts with a prologue and then rolls into the setup before the inciting incident? Is the prologue include both the titled prologue and the first part of the main story that comes before the inciting incident?