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More and more research has been saying what I have always known, which is that animals do a lot more thinking than we've ever given them credit for. I do believe they think about life, and interestingly, do so without language with which to interpret their thoughts, unless they have some kind of inner dialogue which functions similarly to language, but without the structure of language.
I was raised in a religious home where only humans were believed to have souls, and it puzzled me because I could clearly see the souls of my pets and I could never understand how anybody could say that they lacked souls, or why anybody would want to say that. I guess in my mind soul equals self awareness.
Your description of the cosmos in its plain, simple, inanimate lifelessness was so beautiful, but I do not believe we are so alone in the emptiness of it all, or in the complex and aware experience of it. I marvel at how similar different species are, like how a whale skeleton seems so similar to the human skeleton, that dogs, cats, rabbits, and humans all have two eyes, two ears, a nose, and a mouth in similar position on the head, and I think of all the other ways we seem to be similar, like in the experience of emotions and, I believe, basic patterns of thought. I think we can even see what seems to be culture in groups of animals, and when I let my imagination run wild, I even wonder if it is possible for them to somehow share lore, legend, and possibly even stories in their societies.
Great lesson. I really love the way you put things.
Of my three major characters, the protagonist alternates between two of them. One has begun to take on the color of a shadow or even "romantic hero"--which I want to sqelch. I know that I need to settle on the protagonist before moving on into the story. I'm expecting that following the material in this lesson will make clear which character has the most complexity and strongest desire.
Thank you.