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Act Structure in Story - Question/Answer Now Playing

Act Structure in Story

Apr 13, 2010

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Act Structure in Story - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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matthewrmccarty: Good one..
at Apr 13, 2010 - 4:22 PM
I really think writing is like learning to play music... you have to keep punching away, and over time it makes more and more sense... like guitar. The first year you learn chords, the second year you learn other people's songs badly. The third year, you get good at copying others, and then you start to write some original music, but it's crap. then the fifth, sixth, seventh years you start to write some original things that can make others feel. We all read bad books and see bad movies by great writers. It's not something you can perfect. It's a lifetime journey... Thank god bob gives us the tools to keep us atleast going in the right direction
eindianos: What's working for me
at Apr 13, 2010 - 8:46 AM
After working around for a bit ( 3 years) creating a " God Like" knowledge of my story's universe          ( over 250 pages worth and that's after tons of editing) I thought backwards from the final Act climax to evaluate and re-evaluate what my audience was going to walk away with, that " Controlling idea", that " Value plus Cause" that Mr. McKee talks about. I've made my own diagrams of my story's structure and placed my acts etc. where they fall within my two hour timeline.
I'm an over the top, ocularcentric, so for me, having my own visual diagrams and charts, similar to those on pages 221-223 in the book, really helps me. Just a suggestion.

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