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Which "Self" Changes - The Secret Self or the Subconsciou/Invisible Self? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Which "Self" Changes - The Secret Self or the Subconsciou/Invisible Self?

May 25, 2010

This is a question from Mr. McKee's "Love Story Day" where he discusses how human beings live four lives: 1. The Public Life, 2. The Private Life, 3. The Secret Life and 4. The Subconscious/Invisible Life.

As Mr. McKee talks about in class:

"The hidden conscious and the invisible unconscious faces we call True Character.  The hidden self of the Secret Life wears the face we only show ourselves (if that, self-deception being so engrained in human nature).  But the passion of love and the choices it demands strips the Social and Personal masks away to expose the Secret Self to both the Beloved and the self.


Beneath this Secret Self lies the deepest self of all: our Subconscious Self, the True Self, our absolute true character that we recognize only in rare moments of self-discovery during critical life choices and actions, a discovery that (if it’s actually going to change us) must be followed by ruthless self-inspection and contemplation, or the discovered truth of who we are will be buried under the rubble of rationalizations."


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Which "Self" Changes - The Secret Self or the Subconsciou/Invisible Self? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Geoff: Watch closely
at May 26, 2010 - 8:32 PM
"Why didn't she just ask the question?"

Didn't you get the gag? She was playing the role of Secret Self!
mysticpamela: Typo in the title babe. And wow.
at May 26, 2010 - 10:27 AM
I liked the relationship between the questioners... dude what's up with that? Is that her Secret self?
No, the deep subconscious self does not change except through great cataclysm. I agree.
But learning who it is makes an interesting story.

"Why were you so surprised that you never saw the danger? Did you ever let your lover see the Stranger in yourself?" -Billy Joel
matthewrmccarty: Who is this guy and how does he get so many questions
at May 25, 2010 - 9:21 PM
does anyone know where you can post questions
dgreeney: Huh?
at May 25, 2010 - 9:06 PM
Why didn't she just ask the question?  And who is this Adam guy?  Does he attend like every event?
eindianos wrote
at May 25, 2010 - 6:46 PM
Good, decisive answer to a confusion question.

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