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Can A Story Work If The Conscious Object Of Desire Of The Protagonist Is Something Abstract, Like A State Of Mind? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Can A Story Work If The Conscious Object Of Desire Of The Protagonist Is Something Abstract, Like A State Of Mind?

Jul 30, 2010

Q&A Trivia Question: Many people ask, "How do you get the questions for the Q&As?" At most of Mr. McKee's seminars, we have a camera set-up either in the theatre or in the lobby where people can ask questions throughout the weekend. We have no restrictions on the content or the number of questions someone may ask, and it's rare that there's ever a second take (most people nail it on the first take). The only times we haven't used a "question" or two is when, for example, someone in LA went on camera and said, "You're really cool, Mr. McKee. How can I send you a thank you note?" We also take written questions by e-mail (storylogue@storylogue.com), on Facebook, etc. Overall, the questions have been GREAT, and we'd like to thank everyone who has participated thus far.


If you'd like to submit your own question on video or in writing, please e-mail us at storylogue@storylogue.com. We'd love to get your home-shot video questions! You can either send us the file (in any format), or send us a link to your video and we can capture it. Thank you!


 (If you'd like more behind-the-scenes info on Storylogue to go along with the videos, please post a comment and let us know!)



Please Note: This question replaces the originally scheduled question for 7/30/10 regarding rewriting for novelists, which will appear shortly.

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Can A Story Work If The Conscious Object Of Desire Of The Protagonist Is Something Abstract, Like A State Of Mind? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Elizabethg11: Learning to write depth
at Jul 31, 2010 - 2:47 PM
My question is not about the tech aspects or genres, but about depth. Is there anyway to "learn" get more of the depth of my feelings, ie the characters feelings, on the page.(12:24pm)

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