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Could you please explain the gap between expectation and result? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Could you please explain the gap between expectation and result?

Aug 31, 2010

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Could you please explain the gap between expectation and result? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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SCSaunders: McKee Live Chat 01
at Aug 31, 2010 - 8:00 AM
This explanation of the gap, applied to the beat/dialogue level is one of the major takeaways for me from Live Chat 01. 

I hadn't really focused on this concept at the microscopic level before.  It changed the way I was reading a novel that very night. 

It helped me dissect the dynamic of the payoff punch line of comedy found in Rodney Dangerfield's stand-up routine, when his life was presented in a documentary on TV a few days later. The guy who could get no respect got mine when I began to understand the way he leveraged the gap expectation/result to achieve such heights of hilarity.

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