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Is it better to write what you know, or what you love? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Is it better to write what you know, or what you love?

Sep 17, 2010

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Is it better to write what you know, or what you love? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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henrymann: knowledge and love are enemies
at Sep 17, 2010 - 3:06 PM
in the context of relationships, a wise man once said that love is something that happens between two people who don’t know each other.
Bass wrote
at Sep 17, 2010 - 8:31 AM
While that makes a lot of sense, I can't help but think of writers who decide to set their story in a store because they worked in one for several years. Their movie is set in a place they hated and wanted out of for years because they think they 'know' it, when in fact, I would think they sleepwalked their way through it and their resultant story also lacks any awareness.

But then, I'm sure there are examples of writers who did only what they loved, and just did derivative works with a similar lack of awareness.

So there's that balance you're talking about, again. Curse you and your wise ways.

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