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When you start writing a story about a certain subject, do you decide from the beginning where you're going to take it? - Question/Answer Now Playing

When you start writing a story about a certain subject, do you decide from the beginning where you're going to take it?

Sep 30, 2010

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When you start writing a story about a certain subject, do you decide from the beginning where you're going to take it? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Bass wrote
at Sep 30, 2010 - 9:33 AM
I find that when I write, where I start is almost never where I end up.

I had a post-apocalyptic story that turned into a heist story. And then that heist transformed into a completely different heist.

A farcical sports comedy I was working on has become a drama about the problems in the school system.

A fantasy tragedy has changed its world half a dozen times, and on and on.

I'm always happy when this happens because it feels like *work*. Pixar apparently work this same way, and I think it's a good thing, because it means you're properly exploring your ideas in a depth that should mean what you end up with, is worth making.

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