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Can I use story to influence my employees, to make them better and more loyal workers? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Can I use story to influence my employees, to make them better and more loyal workers?

Oct 05, 2010

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Can I use story to influence my employees, to make them better and more loyal workers? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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SCSaunders: Better to have step-outlined and lost ....
at Oct 05, 2010 - 7:54 AM
My wife has to deliver and sit through a lot of presentations at work. She has killed people with PowerPoint.  She has been murdered by PowerPoint.  It's purgatory.

I kept telling her how McKee was saying you could use story in stead of rhetoric.  I downloaded several McKee articles. Left them in strategic places.

She decided to break tradition.  Her department woke from their comas.  They step-outlined. By the end of the second day, closet actors were pumped, emails were flying, someone's kid had a video camera.  There was the promise of pizza at the premiere.

Then mole man from public relations got wind.  Stole the project. Crawled back down his hole. S.N.A.F.U. Back to comas in purgatory.

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