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What's the difference between a mind fuck and a twist? - Question/Answer Now Playing

What's the difference between a mind fuck and a twist?

Oct 15, 2010

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What's the difference between a mind fuck and a twist? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Oct 15, 2010 - 1:02 PM
OK- how about the ending to "SAW"? I mean, the killer was in the room the WHOLE time!!!

Let me pose this question: If one wanted to write a "mind fuck," what would you recommend in how to accomplish a really good one? I mean, you have to admit, that is such a great feeling when you're like "oh fuck!? Samuel L. Jackson was the bad guy the whole movie?" or "Oh man!? You mean the guy's brain was in a vat the whole time?!"

Worst mind fuck ever though: the 1800's villagers were actually living in a wild life preserve in present, modern times. And the monsters weren't real. Terrible, terrible mind fuck.
at Oct 15, 2010 - 9:44 AM
Robert Mckee doesn't like the ending to The Sixth Sense. =(

For years, when I would read that section on a turning point in a climax, I would always think "Oh yea, like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense." I was ready to argue this to the mats-- but then when he said the insight is into the filmmaker's technique, his strategty in withholding the fact, that made me think. On the DVD of The Sixth Sense, M. Night Shyamalan has a "clues" section where he tells you about the clues.

I can see what Mckee is talking about now. But still, I would like to have talked to him RIGHT after he saw it.

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