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Why do women and children and people of other races and alien tree-dwellers seem to have all the answers? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Why do women and children and people of other races and alien tree-dwellers seem to have all the answers?

Oct 25, 2010

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Why do women and children and people of other races and alien tree-dwellers seem to have all the answers? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Oct 25, 2010 - 10:12 AM
Robert Mckee once said in a Q and A, "[On "How To Make an American Quilt"] a film where four beautiful white women learn that men are shit. Can you imagine writing a film in which four good looking guys learn that women are shit?"

Never, never will happen.

Just as you would never see in "Avatar," the military grunts winning Pandora, kicking out the Navi, and mining all the special minerals they could get their hands on.

Instead you get that indigenous native cliche where money can only equal stupid, racist ignorance.

The answer is: the same reason you'll never see a movie where four good looking guys learn that all women are shit.

Politics, politics, politics.

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