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Writing A Story Based on a Real-Life Situation - Question/Answer Now Playing

Writing A Story Based on a Real-Life Situation

Feb 23, 2010
Question 18 - 2/23/2010 Writing A Story Based on a Real-Life Situation

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Writing A Story Based on a Real-Life Situation - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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bobh22d: Legal Issues Relating to a Story Based on a Real Life Situation
at Mar 04, 2010 - 8:06 AM
When writing a story based on a real life situation, how far should the writer go in changing names and locations and dates to avoid litigation?  For example, if the writer is the protagonist in the story, there obviously are other "real life" characters involved (as well as real locations).  Should some or all character names, place names and dates be altered?  Is it okay to keep some of the first names?  Also, what if one of the characters is deceased (with living relatives)?  Can that character's first name be used?
derekchristopher: Just a Note
at Feb 23, 2010 - 9:05 PM
Hi Everyone. Derek Christopher here with Robert McKee and StoryLogue. Just a quick note that if you click your username, it'll take you to your homepage where you can upload a picture or graphic to be your avatar (like my sunglass-wearing picture).

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