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Other than spending weeks roaming through store shelves and internet sites, do you have a method for finding works in the character-driven genres? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Other than spending weeks roaming through store shelves and internet sites, do you have a method for finding works in the character-driven genres?

Nov 02, 2010

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Other than spending weeks roaming through store shelves and internet sites, do you have a method for finding works in the character-driven genres? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Nov 02, 2010 - 10:13 AM
Clark, if you looking for education plots- here are some great ones:

"Wonder Boys" with Michael Douglas
"As Good As It Gets"

Here might be a quick way to sort through the drama categories... if you're looking for education plot, keep your ears open for movies people call "feel good." More times than not, that'll be an education plot. Wonder Boys is a definate feel good movie.

And, if you're looking for disillusionment, you can be sure to look for ones where they definatley aren't calling it a feel good movie. Haha.

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