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Would you discuss the relationship between empathy and sympathy?  - Question/Answer Now Playing

Would you discuss the relationship between empathy and sympathy?

Nov 10, 2010

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Would you discuss the relationship between empathy and sympathy?  - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Nov 10, 2010 - 11:22 PM
(We may know this already: I think it's somewhere in the page.)
protagonist don't have to be sympathetic nor empathetic if they are really really REally good at what they're doing because they simply gravitate us, and in most of such cases they are often brutally punish so that we can feel satisfy because of their arrogance
Bass wrote
at Nov 10, 2010 - 7:48 PM
The list of empathetic yet unsympathetic characters is so staggering; Phil Connors in GROUNDHOG DAY, virtually the entire cast of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, The Roses in THE WAR OF THE ROSES, Max Bialystock in THE PRODUCERS, Eric Cartman in SOUTH PARK, David Brent in THE OFFICE, Arnold Rimmer in RED DWARF.

And it's not just comedy; Walt in GRAN TORINO, Prince Zuko in the cartoon AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER, William James in THE HURT LOCKER, Daniel Plainview in THERE WILL BE BLOOD, Hannibal Lector in THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, Dexter in DEXTER, Rocky Balboa in ROCKY, Jayne Cobb in FIREFLY. A huge swatch of the casts of DEADWOOD, ROME, and, THE WIRE. Vic Mackey in THE SHIELD. Even Tony Stark in IRON MAN begins the movie as a detestable and morally corrupt arms dealer.

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