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Does the meaning of the story emerge out of discovering what the negation of the negation is of the core value? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Does the meaning of the story emerge out of discovering what the negation of the negation is of the core value?

Dec 17, 2010

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Does the meaning of the story emerge out of discovering what the negation of the negation is of the core value? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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henrymann: my favorite example of the negation of the negation
at Dec 18, 2010 - 5:13 PM
Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard pursuing his goal of success as a screenwriter became a whore - at first artistically, then sexually, and finally emotionally. his only escape was death - which he found in a big pool (like the one he always wanted). Controlling Idea - screenwriters destroy themselves and their art when driven by ambition, greed, and cowardice.

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