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If one’s script lacks drama, how might a writer work to correct this problem? - Question/Answer Now Playing

If one’s script lacks drama, how might a writer work to correct this problem?

Feb 01, 2011

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If one’s script lacks drama, how might a writer work to correct this problem? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Feb 02, 2011 - 4:07 PM
Thank you so much for your appreciative comments. I will pass them on to Mr. McKee and add your question to our folder of potential future Q&A topics. Best, Sarah
KRstoryteller: when all the masks fall
at Feb 01, 2011 - 5:56 PM
I've been viewing all the lessons on Creating Characters, and am in a state of total wow.  Mr. McKee, you have expanded my understanding of what's possible in storytelling by the power of 1000.  When you speak of that all important moment in a story, when a crisis/turning point is reached and all the character's masks fall, and the unknown self is revealed in all its unflattering detail --that moment where there is a choice for the character to reflect on what is revealed and thereby change, or turn from the revelation and quickly re-build the layers of masks-- that potent, potent moment--surely it would be impossible to write about without the writer having experienced a moment like that himself, wouldn't it?

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