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Could you have dual protagonists in a love story? If so, from whose point of view can the story be told? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Could you have dual protagonists in a love story? If so, from whose point of view can the story be told?

Mar 28, 2011

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Could you have dual protagonists in a love story? If so, from whose point of view can the story be told? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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sunbird1942: Thank you!
at Mar 29, 2011 - 12:51 AM
Another signpost for me. I think that your strength lies is showing the various possibilities in Story without pushing the questioner in any particular direction. I chose to use both points of view with the antagonism between them offsetting their attraction for each other. I've been told that by allowing the audience to see her point of view, it strenthens her character so she is on a par with the powerful male protagonist.

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