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When writing about someone's life, without knowing all the facts about their life, should you make up details for the sake of the script? Also, should you get their permission before writing the script? - Question/Answer Now Playing

When writing about someone's life, without knowing all the facts about their life, should you make up details for the sake of the script? Also, should you get their permission before writing the script?

Apr 08, 2011

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When writing about someone's life, without knowing all the facts about their life, should you make up details for the sake of the script? Also, should you get their permission before writing the script? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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henrymann: our so-called free country
at Apr 08, 2011 - 4:11 PM
even if you write about a public figure using public information in a way that makes you immune to any legal action you may still run afoul of spineless media executives and secret political alliances. just ask the producers of The Kennedys which is now running on The ReelzChannel (whatever that is).

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