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Wouldn’t it be impossible to write about the crisis/turning point, when the unknown self is revealed, if the writer had never experienced such a moment? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Wouldn’t it be impossible to write about the crisis/turning point, when the unknown self is revealed, if the writer had never experienced such a moment?

May 12, 2011

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Wouldn’t it be impossible to write about the crisis/turning point, when the unknown self is revealed, if the writer had never experienced such a moment? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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sunbird1942: The Zen of StoryLogue
at May 21, 2011 - 1:06 PM
When I signed on this a.m. I saw a comment by someone asking how to unsubscribe from the site as he wasn't getting enough out of it. The impression I had was that he wanted Bob to lead him to writing the next great whatever and it wasn't happening.

This site is so much more than the rules and regs of when to write, what to write, how to write, et al. It is about the writer and how to relate to the craft on levels that go beyond the basic craft. So many times, I find a nugget of truth. I almost skipped today's question - to me it seemed 14K. BUT, the answer was pure, 24K gold.

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