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What is “comedy of manners?” Which films, plays, and novels do you consider to be representative of this style? - Question/Answer Now Playing

What is “comedy of manners?” Which films, plays, and novels do you consider to be representative of this style?

May 19, 2011

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What is “comedy of manners?” Which films, plays, and novels do you consider to be representative of this style? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Temujin: John Cleese - see youtube
at May 30, 2011 - 6:25 PM
John Cleese wrote I think a sketch about 'class' for the early satirical show in UK called "That Was The Week That Was" - key word in search might be "I look up to him ..." btw this was the debut of David Frost - eg 'Nixon interview'.

What classes do Americans have? - Old money versus new; rednecks and blue and white collar? Afro Americans pretending white values? political pretensions, bigotry? Men understanding what women want! LOL
henrymann: Comedy of Concepts
at May 19, 2011 - 4:11 PM
Two and a Half Men was funny because it was about three guys pretending to be men in a culture that no longer has a concept of masculinity.

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