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What were your favorite screenplays of the past year? - Question/Answer Now Playing

What were your favorite screenplays of the past year?

Aug 02, 2011

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What were your favorite screenplays of the past year? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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citysleuth: Thank you so much for this!
at Aug 02, 2011 - 3:09 PM
Each person's opinion is only one opinion, and everyone can quibble differently with the opinions here (me, on first viewings I liked the screenplay for Inception somewhat more and Winter's Bone slightly less)... but since McKee's opinions are probably first among equals, it's invaluable to hear his take on recent/current work. 
FYI, "The Fighter", his favorite here, is currently available for Instant Streaming on Netflix (as of 8/2/11), and since that's one of the few major films from last year I somehow missed, I'm putting it at the top of my queue to check out later this week.
(P.S. Would always love more of these quick hits on recent films, or even TV shows - like his text analysis of "The Town" last fall... great stuff.)

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