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What is the best way to get my two sitcom spec scripts read by executives, especially since I don’t have an agent? - Question/Answer Now Playing

What is the best way to get my two sitcom spec scripts read by executives, especially since I don’t have an agent?

Aug 03, 2011

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What is the best way to get my two sitcom spec scripts read by executives, especially since I don’t have an agent? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Temujin: Daniel Kia
at Aug 03, 2011 - 8:01 PM
If you have joined Storylogue I suggest you communicate directly with me because I have some direct experience of your situation and I may be able to offer some more precise pointers.

You will not be able to get past the girlie on the agent's switchboard if you phone. Most probably (certainly with the big 5 oligarch agencies) the girlies who answer the phone are probably even trained to get rid of you.

You will need to be very precise about the genre and sub genre of your comedy work and there is no advice about that in this forum.

You can do an online check with the WGA though some writers may not be members of the WGA or do not permit their details be made public so I'm not sure why McKee suggests you phone the WGA.

The WGA database does not identify particular agents within an agency - just the agency name handling a writer. Hollywood Creative Directory will give you a complete list of named agents and the medium they work in but not their relationships with named writers.

Not all agencies are signed up to the WGA.

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