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How would a controlling idea work for a TV series? - Question/Answer Now Playing

How would a controlling idea work for a TV series?

Aug 19, 2011

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How would a controlling idea work for a TV series? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Nanette: Prepared for what
at Oct 27, 2014 - 1:17 PM
All is well and good but I'm thinking I need a non circumvention agreement.  Story ideas create shape through a lot of personal effort, not to mention the time involment- so much that it warrants proper business etiquet and protocol. Im a emerging writer and business savvy.  Swam with sharks, now I'm running with wolves. I'm wondering,  doesn't this process need contracts to proceed with a original pitch?  All about trust? Isnt this business?  Lol. I've heard the war-stories from seasoned writers own mouths.same about agents. This raises questions of how best to proceed because I'm not leaving anything behind, undone-  when I  go forward. Now I ake the 5TH. Lol

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