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Do you think that dreams have an influence on the creative ideas that many people have for writing stories?  - Question/Answer Now Playing

Do you think that dreams have an influence on the creative ideas that many people have for writing stories?

Nov 04, 2011

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Do you think that dreams have an influence on the creative ideas that many people have for writing stories?  - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Bass wrote
at Nov 04, 2011 - 5:02 PM
I use to keep a dream journal, but I stopped as my dreams were unusable. I had a dream where I had to kill my cat with a potplant as it was growing into a giant scorpion in the jungle in my house.

Recently, I had a dream that at the New York city STORY seminar (to which I've never been) that Mr McKee ended his seminar the way he always does in NY; he walks the class across the street to the White Cliffs of Dover (as they're in NYC) and proceeded to baptise the entire class.

My unconscious has no writing talent.

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