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I notice in many movies, there are multiple screenwriters. Do they usually work together or more in layers? - Question/Answer Now Playing

I notice in many movies, there are multiple screenwriters. Do they usually work together or more in layers?

Feb 21, 2012

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I notice in many movies, there are multiple screenwriters. Do they usually work together or more in layers? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Geoff wrote
at Feb 23, 2012 - 4:32 PM
If you've watched the DVD trailers to Gladiator, that script was a team driven mess, and the producers don't seem shy about interviewing everyone, warts and all. I'm amazed Gladiator's end product was as good as it was. Did Mr. McKee see this trailer? If he did, I'm curious if he has any additional insight (without betraying any confidences, of course) into the process Gladiator followed.

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