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Are positive, contradictory, contrary, and the negation of the negation steps that a character must go through? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Are positive, contradictory, contrary, and the negation of the negation steps that a character must go through?

Feb 29, 2012

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Are positive, contradictory, contrary, and the negation of the negation steps that a character must go through? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Leo Grillo: Negation of the Negation
at Mar 27, 2012 - 10:59 AM
This is perhaps the single most important gem that I found in Story. The opposite of bravery is cowardice. Our protagonist didn't act the coward, quite the opposite, but something was always wrong. It wasn't until he realized at the end that he was a coward masquerading as being brave that it all fell into place. He then took the most heroic action of the movie and it was huge considering his arc. This one fix saved the script. It was too expensive to shoot without a studio's involvement so we've made an audio track in the meanwhile.

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