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Do you know of any seminars or classes related exclusively to documentary writing? What other avenues are there to learn the craft of documentary writing? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Do you know of any seminars or classes related exclusively to documentary writing? What other avenues are there to learn the craft of documentary writing?

Mar 06, 2012

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Do you know of any seminars or classes related exclusively to documentary writing? What other avenues are there to learn the craft of documentary writing? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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bheath wrote
at Sep 16, 2013 - 6:42 PM
@Leo Grillo-
Bravo! Well done and well said.
I have worn down two copies of story, just studying. It's as dense as it comes. It needs study of the motorhome type. I have a VW vanagon and did the same sort of thing.
I'll look for your film.
bheath wrote
at Sep 16, 2013 - 6:42 PM
@Leo Grillo-
Bravo! Well done and well said.
I have worn down two copies of story, just studying. It's as dense as it comes. It needs study of the motorhome type. I have a VW vanagon and did the same sort of thing.
I'll look for your film.
Leo Grillo: Documentary
at Mar 27, 2012 - 10:50 AM
Having been to round tables by very famous documentarians, for years, there are many ways to approach the subject ... including writing a script first. My own method has been cinema verite and shooting it ALL. My award-winning "The Rescuer" took 20 years and 500+ hours of video to make an 84- minute movie! There were many versions of the movie before the one that worked. Editing alone took six years. But in the  end, it was the 3-act structure that I followed, having taken all of Robert McKee's lectures at least once!

BTW -- as a producer I have taken writers to these lectures and they never took notes -- they just nodded in agreement. Their work mirrors their response. STORY is not just a good read -- it is to be studied. I locked myself in my motor home for three months after the first lecture -- and I went through my notes and the book ... and I watched EVERY movie example in the book! I emerged with a deeper understanding of Story and with an outline that I have passed to my writers. Of course, none of them used the outline or the book, so I started writing my own stuff!

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