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How can I learn more about writing domestic drama? What are the conventions for that genre? - Question/Answer Now Playing

How can I learn more about writing domestic drama? What are the conventions for that genre?

May 14, 2012

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How can I learn more about writing domestic drama? What are the conventions for that genre? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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marinsj: A gift staring every writer in the face
at Aug 04, 2012 - 3:00 PM
Without a doubt, one of the greatest gifts for anyone who wants to write in this genre is the Sopranos series. Invest in the entire set of DVDs and watch the children grow up, watch and listen, to the relationships as they disintegrate and are refashioned, the lies they won't confront, the depth of the subtext, the lies they are forced to face and how they work through them, through genuine forgiveness and through denial, right down to the very last enigmatic scene. If you're saying, "I loathe the profanity and the violence and the grotesquely crude sex yada yada yada," well, I totally agree, and if there is any criticism I think could be levelled at the otherwise superb level of writing, it would be that such gifted writers couldn't have applied themselves to making each scene just as credible without the continual stream of f-words, etc. It does get thin after a while. But try to get past that--use your mute button at the worst moments--and tune into the scenes between the family members, and you will be richly rewarded.

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