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245 Interviews

Ed Saxon, Oscar Award-Winning Producer, Part 11

Ed Saxon, Oscar Award-Winning Producer, Part 11 - Interview Ed Saxon, Oscar Award-Winning Producer, Part 11

Oct 07, 2012 - 12:00 AM

1 Comment
Documentary Editor Penelope Falk and Director Ricki Stern, Part 8, Conclusion

Documentary Editor Penelope Falk and Director Ricki Stern, Part 8, Conclusion - Interview Documentary Editor Penelope Falk and Director Ricki Stern, Part 8, Conclusion

Aug 05, 2012 - 12:00 AM

In this last segment of this informative interview, the second camera (the one pointed at Mr. McKee) seems to have stopped recording. We felt the content was very important, however, so are airing this segment with only one camera and audio track. The videographers involved have been turned into newts.

1 Comment

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