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Which nationality do you think makes the best storytellers? Does it help to be a "loser nation"? Does the presence of melancholy help? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Which nationality do you think makes the best storytellers? Does it help to be a "loser nation"? Does the presence of melancholy help?

Apr 11, 2011

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Which nationality do you think makes the best storytellers? Does it help to be a "loser nation"? Does the presence of melancholy help? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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Temujin: Yes but ...
at Apr 13, 2011 - 1:36 PM
When I was in Athens I went to have a pair of rude sandals made (I like sandals like Aristotle) and the shoemaker gave me a small book of his poems. I was touched. I said to my friend who lives in Greece. 'guess what? I met a nice guy who made sandals and he was also a poet. She laughed. "Everyone in Greece is a poet!"

My little detours to Dublin bars convinces me the Irish like 'telling stories'.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

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