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Could an audience know that a character will fail, but watch because the character thinks he is capable of succeeding? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Could an audience know that a character will fail, but watch because the character thinks he is capable of succeeding?

Jun 08, 2011

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Could an audience know that a character will fail, but watch because the character thinks he is capable of succeeding? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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StevenG wrote
at Jun 10, 2011 - 1:06 AM
Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. We knew that the 300 Spartans would all die in the battle of thermopylae but somehow Mr. Pressfield was able to make us believe that Xeo had a chance to survive, to live to tell the story again...and he did!
henrymann: the converse
at Jun 08, 2011 - 2:10 PM
Apollo 13 created suspense about whether or not the three astronauts would survive even though we all knew they would.

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