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Should we embrace new media and new methods of distribution such as YouTube, Internet TV, Webisodes, etc.? - Question/Answer Now Playing

Should we embrace new media and new methods of distribution such as YouTube, Internet TV, Webisodes, etc.?

Sep 29, 2010

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Should we embrace new media and new methods of distribution such as YouTube, Internet TV, Webisodes, etc.? - Question/Answer Q & A Discussion

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at Sep 29, 2010 - 2:12 PM
On making a movie on your own:  Now a days, you don't need money to make a movie-- at least, you wouldn't to make a career out of making them. Here's the trailer for my first feature film I made in my senior of college. I didn't have any money.


It's very, very possible to make your first feature film without any money these days. In fact, if you look at all of the masters, they made their first feature with nothing. Scorsese- "Whose That Knocking at My Door?", Nolan- "Following", Rodriguez- "El Mariachi". Even Spielberg in high school made his first feature, "Firelight."

As Mckee says you have to have 10 failed scripts before you can reach greatness, with making, directing films, you'll see with close study of big name directors that they had somewhere around 2-3 feature films under their belt before they had their big success. Practice, practice, practice.

It is possible and has always been possible.
cablard wrote
at Sep 29, 2010 - 10:42 AM
I've recently seen a couple projects released via BitTorrent and made money. Pioneer One and Die Beauty were released for free through the internet and seemed to recouped their costs based on donations.


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